Ever had interest in helping out with disaster response? Interested in learning about how Lutherans organize and mobilize when disasters strike? Want to know more about recent hurricane response in our Southeastern District? Wondering whether you could actually assist? Members and friends of Grace are welcome to participate in a Basic LERT (Lutheran Early Response Team) Training Class on Saturday, January 25. Participants will be introduced to the LCMS Disaster Response program, and learn the basic nature of disasters and how Christians can support neighbors in need as the hands and feet of Jesus. Other class topics include response and deployment protocol in times of disasters, a ministry of presence, and safety practices. Here’s what you need to know.
The Basic LERT Training Class will be January 25, in Grace’s Fellowship Hall, 8:30am-12:00pm.
The class will be led by Pastor Wayne Puls and the Southeastern District’s Disaster Response Coordinator, Deaconess Sally Hiller.
Participants are urged to pre-register before January 10 so we have the proper materials for everyone.
Register at www.lcms-lert.org (“Trainings and Deployments,” then the tile labeled “Basic LERT Training, Grace Lutheran Church, Woodbridge VA, 1-25-25”).
A registration fee of $30 per person will cover the cost of training materials, snacks, and a LERT t-shirt. Please bring your check (“Grace Lutheran Church,” noted “LERT Training 1-25-25”) along to the training.
In order to offer a three-hour on-site class, participants must complete on-line training in advance, at lsc-disaster-training.moodlecloud.com.
Please note that a Chainsaw Training Class will be held at Grace in late winter; but the Basic LERT Training Class will be a pre-requisite.
Questions? Contact Pastor Wayne Puls (703-494-4600; wpuls@glcvirginia.org).